Lokshen Kugel (baked noodle pudding)

Lokshen Kugel (baked noodle pudding)

Lokshen Kugel
(baked noodle pudding)

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Happy Hanukkah! We celebrated the first night of Hanukkah this year with a delicious family meal.

Fortunately, my brother Bill was passing through town this holiday, on his way back to The Philippines. Along with sister Paula and chef/brother-in-law Ron, we cooked up a fabulous celebratory meal. Kudos to Paula and Ron for preparing the best latkes, ever. And kudos to Bill for assembling the most delicious kugel.

Sending our family’s warmest wishes to you at Hanukkah. May you be blessed with joy, good health, good food, and peace.

Noodle Kugel Recipe

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Crunchy Salty Oatmeal Cookies

Crunchy Salty Oatmeal Cookies

Crunchy Salty Oatmeal Cookies
With Whole Cashews and Raisins

I keep these cookies under glass on the kitchen counter next to the coffee maker. Guests seem to find them irresistible!

They are less sweet than some traditional oatmeal cookies but the raisins bring plenty fruitiness. These oatmeal cookies are quite crunchy, and pleasantly salty and savory – with a bit extra salt in the batter and Maldon sea salt flakes on top. The whole cashews add extra buttery nutty textures and flavors.

And when my guests leave after a fun time in Vegas, they head back with some Crunchy Salty Oatmeal Cookies for the trip home.

🧡 Cookies Baked in Vegas, Don’t Stay in Vegas 🧡

Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

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