New Mexico Style Roast Duck with Salsa Verde

New Mexico Style Roast Duck with Salsa Verde

New Mexico Style Roast Duck
With Salsa Verde

“The goal of my so-called mission is to show people a way to create satisfying meals with a minimum of effort and time…I think there’s a level of satisfaction and pride that comes from preparing a meal for yourself and your family and friends – even if it is helped along by pre-made ingredients,” Chef Nancy Silverton.

I’ve been a fan of her book “A Twist of the Wrist – Quick Flavorful Meals with Ingredients from Jars, Cans, Bags, and Boxes” since it came out in 2007. Of course we enjoy and cherish all our recipes made from scratch, but sometimes a quick, easy, and flavorful meal is in order.

This New Mexico Style Roast Duck recipe is an example of the Chef’s philosophy: I roast a precooked half-duck to crispy skin perfection in 25 minutes, and pair it with a Hatch New Mexico Salsa Verde from a jar.

The richness of duck meat can stand up to bold flavors, and the contrast between the savory duck and the heat of a spicy sauce creates a delicious harmony. Salsa verde complements the natural flavors of the duck while adding an extra layer of complexity. It’s fast, and effortless, and fabulous… I’m confident Chef Nancy Silverton would agree.

New Mexico Style Roast Duck with Salsa Verde

Roast Duck with Salsa Verde Recipe

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Tuna Poke Tostadas, Avocado Crema

Tuna Poke Tostadas, Avocado Crema

Albacore Tuna Poke Tostadas
Chile Marinade with Peanuts
Avocado-Tomatillo Crema
Green Cabbage, Red Chile, Cilantro

Poke is a traditional Hawaiian delicacy, featuring marinated chunks of raw fish, often tuna, seasoned with soy sauce, sesame oil, seaweed, and onions. The term poke originates from Hawaiian, meaning “to slice” or “to cut crosswise into pieces.”

The surge in popularity of poke owes much to figures like Sam Choy, affectionately known as the “Godfather of Poke.” I had the privilege of interviewing him back in 2014. Charming and dynamic, Sam Choy is a celebrated chef and restaurateur who played a significant role in spreading the appeal of poke globally.

While poke has its roots firmly planted in Hawaiian culture, it has transcended boundaries and become a beloved dish worldwide.

Here, a delightful example of this cross-cultural fusion is Tuna Poke Tostadas with Avocado-Tomatillo Crema. This dish seamlessly blends the flavors of Hawaii and Mexico, offering a tantalizing culinary experience that showcases the best of both traditions.

Tuna Poke Tostadas, Avocado Crema

Tuna Poke Tostadas Recipe

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Seared Scallops, Crispy Prosciutto, Smoky Chickpeas

Seared Scallops, Crispy Prosciutto, Smoky Chickpeas

Seared Sea Scallops, Crispy Prosciutto
Smoky Chickpeas with Spinach

The inspiration for this super dish comes from another Las Vegas restaurant, this time, Superfrico at The Cosmopolitan.

Their current menu serves roasted sea scallops with cannellini beans, smoked butter, and prosciutto. A past menu served the scallops with chickpeas, Calabrian chile, and kale. Here, with a nod to both the old and new menus, I heat the chickpeas with a smoked paprika butter, then add baby spinach to wilt.

The pan-seared buttery sea scallops have a rich, sweet flavor. Prosciutto brings savory salty notes and when cooked, it develops a delightful crunch while retaining its intense umami taste. Nutty, earthy, and slightly creamy chickpeas are paired with tender garlicky spinach where the paprika butter adds complexity, depth, and an alluring smokiness. It is one tasty Vegas-style dish that comes together in minutes with very little prep!

Superfrico Instagram: Scallops, Prosciutto, and Cannellini Beans
Superfrico Instagram: Scallops, Prosciutto, and Cannellini Beans

Seared Scallops, Crispy Prosciutto Recipe

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Scallop Lettuce Wraps, Truffle Sauce

Scallop Lettuce Wraps, Truffle Sauce

🥬 Scallop Lettuce Wraps 🥬
🌿 Truffle Sauce with Chervil 🌿
🌼 Radish, Edible Flowers 🌸

Raw, buttery day-boat Sea Scallops, renowned for their subtle sweetness and delicate velvety texture, are paired with crisp, peppery radish slices and a heavenly truffle sauce infused with chervil. These delightful scallop clusters are then wrapped in tender little gem lettuce leaves, creating an exquisite culinary experience.

Scallop Lettuce Wraps, Truffle Sauce

Mizuna Blossoms and Stock Flower Petals

Mizuna blossoms share a similar flavor profile with the leaves of the mizuna plant, offering a mild yet peppery taste with hints of Chinese mustard.

Stock flowers are known for their dense clusters of fragrant blooms that come in a variety of colors, including white, pink, purple, and shades of red and yellow. They have a snappy radish-like flavor with floral undertones. The taste can vary depending on the variety and growing conditions.

While their beauty is undeniable, the garnishes serve a purpose beyond aesthetics. They play a crucial role in enhancing the dish, contributing elements of both mustard and radish to the final flavor profile.

Scallop Lettuce Wraps, Truffle Sauce

About Maine Day-Boat Scallops

They are harvested by fishermen that go to work in the icy waters then return to port that same day.

Since the fishing trip is short, day-boat scallops do not need to sit on melting ice like longer expeditions, and therefore do not absorb water over the course of the trip.

The taste is pure and natural, as the scallops are not bloated with water after harvest. These scallops are treated with the utmost care, and never soaked in a solution of sodium tripolyphosphate which is commercially used as a preservative but unfortunately degrades the quality of the scallop. Day-boat scallops are always more expensive but worth every penny in taste and texture.

Note: Our fishermen tell us to NEVER let scallops touch fresh water as they soak it up like sponges!

Scallop Lettuce Wraps, Truffle Sauce Recipe

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Corned Beef and Green Beer

Corned Beef and Green Beer

🍀🍺 Corned Beef and Green Beer 🍺🍀

While Corned Beef and Cabbage is often associated with St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in the United States, it certainly can be enjoyed year-round. It’s a hearty and satisfying dish, loved by many, and almost impossible to mess up!

Now, Green Beer is definitely a once-a-year tradition. Serving green beer on St. Patrick’s Day emerged in the US as a fun and festive way to celebrate the holiday. While it may not have deep historical roots, it has become a popular tradition associated with the celebrations. One drop of food coloring in a glass of beer does not affect the taste, and adds a magical element to the festivities!

Green Beer

Corned Beef and Cabbage Recipe

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